WF - Smart Distribution on Twitter - D1

Actif on Amazon: 


Step 0: Go to

Step1: Localize the section "7 - Smart Publication".

Step2: Click on the title of the first article in this section.

Step3: Localize the "Share on Social Networks" Label at the bottom of the article

Step4: Localize the "twitter logo" under the Social Networks label.

Step5: Click on the "twitter logo".

Step6: Wait until the twitter sharing pop up appears

Step7:Copy ( Ctrl + C) the following text: "produitsos"  ( warning:Do not copy the quote)

Step8: In the top Field of the twitter pop up,  Past ( Ctrl +v) the copied text.

Step9:Copy ( Ctrl + C) the following text: "Rabateur01!"  ( warning:Do not copy the quote)

Step10: In the bottom Field of the twitter popup, Past ( Ctrl +v) the copied text.

Step11: Click on "Se connecter" Button ( you will get connected to the twitter account).

Step12: Click on "tweet" button  ( you will tweet the article).

13,14 and 15 are ESSENTIAL STEPS - the goal is to get disconnected from twitter.

Step13: At the bottom of the twitter page, click on the "arrow" next to "SosProduiEssentiel" text  and logo.

Step14: Click on "Logout @ProduitSos"

Step15: Once the logout popup appears, Click on the "Logout" button
Step16: Close the twitter window  and go back to the article that you have open in the Step 2 on ProduitEssentiel website.

Step17: Click on the "modifier" tab.

Step18: Change the article "SmartStatus" Field to "D1- Distributed on twitter".

Step19: Click on "Enregistrer" button. and Amazon ensures a high level of traceability. Please do not reuse any of the information presented in this workflow nor behave in an improper manner on behalf of ProduitEssentiel.