Workflow01: Amazonworkers - Full Content insertion: 11 Cents/ 5mn

Here are 17 simple steps to write an article for website based on AI tools:

GOAL: You must write an meaningful article for the website.

Requirement The article size must be between 50 to 80 words - Otherwise it will be rejected.

Total time  estimated for completion : 4mn

  • Step 0: (estimated time: 10 sec)

For this mission your credential to get logged in will be:   login : "amazonworker01" and password: "amazonproduitessentiel243!" 

  • Step 1: (estimated time: 10 sec)

     Go to the url: with your computer browser.

  • Step 2: (estimated time: 10 sec)

    On the left part of the screen localize "IA Produit Essentiel" section ( there is a list of articles at the bottom of the page)

  • Step 3: (estimated time: 20 sec)

    Select the the first article. Make sure that there is no content and no comment with the text "writing ongoing" Then go to Step 4. In case there is a comment where it is written "writing ongoing" go to step 3b.

    • Step 3b. If there is a comment (with the text "wirting ongoing"), select and click on the next articles in the list which has no comment with text "writing ongoing".
  • Step 4: (estimated time: 30 sec)

    :Log in  with the credentials provided in step 0. Then Insert a comment on the article stating that your are currently working on it.  Copy/past the following sentence: "writting ongoing". Then go to step Step 5

  • Step 5: (estimated time: 15 sec)

    Copy the title of the selected article (select + Ctr C) and Keep the window/tab open

  • Step 6: ( estimated time : 20 sec)

    Go to Google translate   and Paste (Ctrl + V) the french title of the article. Turn it to an English translation.

  • Step 7: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Select the result (the English translation) and Copy it (select + Ctr C). Keep the window/tab open.

  • Step 8: ( estimated time : 20 sec)

    : Go to In the input box ( "Custom Prompt" ), Past ( Ctrl + V) the english translation of the article. Then Click on the "Complet Text" button.

  • Step 9: ( estimated time : 20 sec)

    Wait few seconds and Select the text generated by just under the Title: "Competion" up to the title "About".

  • Step 10: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

      Copy your selection (Ctrl+C). Keep the window/tab open

  • Step 11: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Go to Google google translation input box (Google translate ).

  • Step 12: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Past (Ctrl+v) your selection from into the input box of Google translate

  • Step 13: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Turn it to French translation and Select the entire text and Copy it ( Ctrl +C).

  • Step 14: ( estimated time : 20 sec)

    Go to the selected article at url and Click on "modifier" tab.

  • Step 15: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Copy your french generated translation in the body of the article ( Ctrl + V)

  • Step 16: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Finally, you will Save the work. Click on the green button at the bottom named " Enregister". Then Copy the url ( Ctrl +C) of the article that have just been modified.

  • Step 17: ( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Go to  Contact section. At the bottom of the page, you Insert the following information:

    • In the "objet" field : "AMAZON WORKER DONE"  + Worker ID
    • In the "message" field: Past the url of the article ( Ctrl +C)
    • Click on "Envoyer message" green button.
  • Step 18:( estimated time : 10 sec)

    Click on "Se déconnecter" to Log out from in the "user menu". And Close all your open borwser windows/tabs.

Thanks for your work have completed the workflow.